Heritage Sensitization
Started to sensitize ourselves and the citizens of Indian cities about their rich architectural heritage, Mansara has kept this tradition over the last three decades and conducted several workshops and heritage walks in collaboration with Young Intach, Intach, U.P. Tourism, New York's Asian Cultural Council & conservation architect Mary Kay Judy, and many individual such as Prof. Amita Sinha from the University of Urbana Champagne, Prof. Christopher Vernon from Australia. in Lucknow.
Mansara has also organised several technical workshops on conservation with Indian Conservation Institute, Intach, National Research Laboratory for Conservation, State Museum in Lucknow, Department of Archaeology, Haryana, Faculty of Architecture , AKTU, Lucknow, and State Archaeology and Museum in Kolkata. Several historical activities like visits and measured drawing were organized in collaboration with other teachers and researchers like Prof. Adam Hardy from U.K. A DIY Workshop for Homeowners was conducted in Chitpore, Kolkata. Some of these were printed as booklets.
Causes of Decay in Heritage Buildings and their Prevention
Mansara, in collaboration with INTACH, had held a series of workshops on preventive conservation of heritage buildings. This booklet has a summary of the papers presented therein. It was published by Mansara in 2004.
Maintaining old Buildings
Old buildings largely decay due to lack of maintenance. To overcome this problem a small booklet was published to be distributed among heritage property owners, highlighting the need to maintain and repair their buildings. It also gives some suggestions regarding the use of proper materials for repair. Written by Neeta Das, illustrated by Shubhrajit Das, it was published jointly by Mansara and INTACH with support from INTACH (UK) Trust in 2005.