Recent Articles
2016 A Tribute to Ar. Charles Correa, Sthapati 2016 (Page 37), IIT, Kharagpur
2012 Decoding the Symbolism in Hindu Mythology (Book Review), Context- Dronah, New Delhi
Structural Conservation
2023 The Story of Mortar. Report, Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Germany.
2016 Understanding Traditional Mortars for Brick Structures in the eastern parts of India. The Journal of the Building Limes Forum, UK.Â
2016 Traditional Houses and Housings in India. Indian Architect & Builder. Mumbai
2015 Revival of traditional technology for the survival of heritage buildings, Indian Architect & Builder. Mumbai
2015 De-constructing Sand as an Aggregate, Context- Dronah. New Delhi
2014 Brick Temples of the Gupta Period, Context- Dronah. New Delhi
Architectural Theory
2017 Blurring Boundaries of Conservation, Conserving Architecture, AADI, Ahmedabad
2015 Architecture and Architectural History: Relationships between the Conception and Perception of Buildings,
Architecture, Culture, Interpretation, in Honorem John. E. Hancock. Romania
2009 The Old City of Lucknow: A Case for Urban Renewal. Heritage and Urban Renewal. India
2008 Concepts and Relevance of of History Writing, INTACH. New Delhi
2002 A Critical Appraisal of the Architectural Education in India, GCA, Lucknow.
Architectural History
2016 The Making of KGMU, The Times of India, Lucknow
2014 La Martiniere College, The Times of India, Lucknow
2013 Religious Buildings. Murshidabad: Forgotten Capital of Bengal, Marg, Mumbai
2013 Conclusion. Murshidabad: Forgotten Capital of Bengal, Marg, Mumbai
2008 Lucknow: The First War of Independence. Context, New Delhi
2005 Imagining India: Historiography of Indian Architecture, A+D, New Delhi
2003 Imambara's and Karbalas. Lucknow, Then and Now, Marg, Mumbai
2001 Acrobatics of Style, Discover India, Bombay
1999 Kaiserbagh, The Garden Palace of Lucknow. U P Tourism. Lucknow
1998 Indian Architecture: Problems in the Interpretation of 18th & 19th Century Indian Architecture
Children's literature
2007 Where is my mother?
CV & Brochures